Zabelaj Family

There are five people in the Zabalaj family. The father and mother, Avdi and Mervete, and their two children, 17-year-old Agnesa, and 15-year-old Arton.  They live in Malisheve, in central Kosovo. 

Avdi is from this area and lived with his brothers until he married Mervete.  Once the children were born, they were forced to move out of the parent’s house to an old house on the property with no running water. Avdi was forced to walk for miles to carry large bottles of water for the family.  

Today their daughter, Agnesa, is in the 11th grade, is an excellent student, and loves basketball. She has asthma and is allergic to antibiotics.  We are happy that her parents allow her to attend english classes at Pastor Urim’s church.  Their son, Arton is in the 9th grade and is also a good student who loves learning languages.  He is healthy and also enjoys attending the kids’ meetings at church.

We desire to support and encourage the Zabelaj family.  Kosovo is a Muslim country. Most people do not want to suffer persecution for being open-minded about Christianity. Please pray for this family.  

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