The Ukrainets Family

Ukraine Family #42371 – $29 per month
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The Ukrainets family lives in Rivne, a small city in the northwest of Ukraine.  There are 10 people in the family, eight children and two parents. They all live in a four-room apartment.

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Mother, Valentyna became a Christian more than 20 years ago.  After she was baptized, she became an active member of a local church.  When Valentyna met Petro, he had been using drugs for many years already. He wanted to stop and asked her for help. Valentyna and other church members started praying for him and invited him into a rehabilitation program.  In two years, Petro quit using drugs, got saved and also became a member of the church community.  Unfortunately, his health was severely affected by his abuse; and he has open wounds on his legs and needs a lot of medications.  Both parents, who are devoted members of the Church of Christians of Evangelical Faith “Ark of Salvation” in Rivne, are currently unable to work. Petro, who is group 2 disabled, suffers from thrombosis and hypertension. Valentyna experiences constant headaches and suffers from chronic gastritis.  The difficulties with their health have caused a financial strain on the family.

There are four girls and four boys in the family.  Two girls in the family have health issues.  Marta and Ulyana have psychological problems and must attend specialized classes.  Ulyana, who is in the 3rd grade, hopes to become a computer programmer.

Six children attend school. Yulia is in the 11th grade, Marta is in the 9th grade, Pavlo is in the 8th grade, Tymofiy is in the 6th grade, and Poliana is in the 1st.  Simeon stays at home with his brother Lyubomyr, who suffers from chronic dermatitis.

Sponsorship will be a great help and blessing for this family.  Please pray for their health and for peace in Ukraine.